As iFF:
Fall 2017
Design the campaign for the Fall 2017 season of All Shorts Irvington Film Festival, their seventh edition.
The brand identity grew out of the season’s theme “taste in film”. The focus is the relationship between facial expression and the five senses of taste. By superimposing the custom typeface over the mouths, the eyes—our way of seeing—become the centerpoint of the image.
Client ................ Irvington Town Hall Theater
Role .................. Designer, Art Director
Studio ................ Self
Photographer .......... Shana Chock-Goldman
Field ················· Brand identity, Film
Published ............. October 2017
Design the campaign for the Fall 2017 season of All Shorts Irvington Film Festival, their seventh edition.
The brand identity grew out of the season’s theme “taste in film”. The focus is the relationship between facial expression and the five senses of taste. By superimposing the custom typeface over the mouths, the eyes—our way of seeing—become the centerpoint of the image.
Client ................ Irvington Town Hall Theater
Role .................. Designer, Art Director
Studio ................ Self
Photographer .......... Shana Chock-Goldman
Field ················· Brand identity, Film
Published ............. October 2017

Custom Typeface
The starting point for Isola (the custom typeface) was Île-de-France (1960) by E. Crous-Vidal.
Isola aims to re-interpret some of the gestures in the typeface and maximize its impact by creating coherence of the letterforms: the strong gesture on the uppercase E is carried over to the C, G, and S.
Isola aims to re-interpret some of the gestures in the typeface and maximize its impact by creating coherence of the letterforms: the strong gesture on the uppercase E is carried over to the C, G, and S.

Promotional Posters

Festival Program

Festival Swag