As iFF Fall ’18 Season
As iFF (All Shorts Irvington Film Festival) is a festival that takes place on Irvington-on-Hudson, NY, twice a year.
Each season the dozen or so short films that are showcased follow a cohesive theme curated by the As iFF committee. The season’s campaign is designed following the trail established by the theme: the design intent is always to re-image the theme and achieve a typographic interpretation of it using the custom font, Isola.
The Fall ‘18 theme was “Film As Dream”. The design for the campaign captures that hazy, in-between moment when one wakes up or falls asleep: things come into (or out of) focus.
A special thanks to my talented friend Javier Arizu for being a constant soundboard, always willing to talk about concepts and design.
Role .................. Concept, Design & Animation
Studio ................ Self
Sound ................. Brian Parker (Moon)
Field ................. Identity
Typefaces ............. Isola (by me), Dia by Schick Toikka
Published ............. November 2018
Each season the dozen or so short films that are showcased follow a cohesive theme curated by the As iFF committee. The season’s campaign is designed following the trail established by the theme: the design intent is always to re-image the theme and achieve a typographic interpretation of it using the custom font, Isola.
The Fall ‘18 theme was “Film As Dream”. The design for the campaign captures that hazy, in-between moment when one wakes up or falls asleep: things come into (or out of) focus.
A special thanks to my talented friend Javier Arizu for being a constant soundboard, always willing to talk about concepts and design.
Role .................. Concept, Design & Animation
Studio ................ Self
Sound ................. Brian Parker (Moon)
Field ................. Identity
Typefaces ............. Isola (by me), Dia by Schick Toikka
Published ............. November 2018

The backgrounds are blends of colors loosely inspired by landscapes: these colors morph from one another in the animations, much like imaginary scenes change in dreams.
The soundtrack developed by Brian Parker was also built to reinforce this ethereal feeling.
The soundtrack developed by Brian Parker was also built to reinforce this ethereal feeling.
There were 11 shorts this year: an animation of each title, director and origin was developed to introduce a new short film while in the theater. Brian Parker’s soundtrack was synced to each piece.

As in the years prior, the custom typeface Isola Compressed was used as the display typeface of the identity.